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电话: 86-573-87491510
传真: 86-573-87491773
姓名: Star Yoshua

  Hainning Haifa Standard Part Factory is located in Changan town,Haing *域名隐藏* town is known as a sightseeing spot for the magnificent Qianjiang Tides,enjoying convenient transportation and comfortable environment. We are specializing in the production of relative fasteners and full threaded rod for about 8 *域名隐藏* full threaded rods are our leading *域名隐藏* output is 800 tons per month. We mainly manufactures German,American and English standards carbon steel,stainless stee

主要产品/业务: threaded rod,fastener,U bolt,J bolt,L bolt

HAIFA STANDARD PART FACTORY / 浙江 / South of Datie Bridge on Provincial Road S101, Changan Town,Hain (314408) / 电话:86-573-87491510

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